Introductory Workshop (I in series of IV)
Addressing White Privilege and Class Privilege in Your Organization
Expected Outcomes:
- Educate your Board so that you can deeply serve the communities you are committed to serve in the way the communities want to be served.
- Gain awareness of the complexity and depth of what white privilege means and drives and how it detrimentally impacts your fiduciary and policy decisions, the organization as a whole, and its mission—all without your awareness. Understand basic anti-oppression theory and in the historical context of non-profits and the living legacy or racism and classism inherent in non-profit Boards)
- Have difficult and courageous conversations which transform your relationships by explicating the implicit and unspoken with fellow Board members as well as strengthens your mission.
Introductory Workshop (II in series of IV)
Tool Kit for Action
Moving from Charity to Solidarity
We design and facilitate this workshop to drive your Board to actionable goals which transform your Board.
- Explore the nuances of solidarity and charity and how and when your Board operates inside of each of those lenses.
- Move to action. Leave the realm of blame, shame and guilt (“frozen grief”) which robs your staff of their ability to act for social justice.
Get present to why Race and Equity conversations are not “nice to haves” but “must haves”.
Introductory Workshop (III in series of IV)
Exploring Institutionalized Oppression beyond Race & Class
Participants explore concepts of whiteness and racism, male privilege and sexism, implicit bias, classism, nativism, heterosexism, able-bodyism, age-ism, religious oppression, intersectionality, power and systems of oppression which impact family, co-workers, community, staff and the community at large. Finally, participants contextualize all oppressions in a context of U.S. imperialism at home and abroad.
How do each of these oppressions impact Board fiduciary decisions–on both an individual and collective level?
Introductory Workshop (IV in series of IV)
Actionable Steps to Board Solidarity
This workshop follows the same model as Workshop II as it pertains to all major oppressions and how each one is “in the room” as Board conversations and decisions are being made.