Professional Development

Professional Development Workshops for your School

We custom design workshops for your school. Possible themes include:

Variables we consider when co-designing a workshop

  • Strategies & Tools: select focus areas
  • Scope and Sequence: from a 1 hour introduction to a year-long commitment
  • Social Justice Context: degree to which diversity, equity and inclusion issues are integrated
  • Global Citizenship & Civic Engagement Context: degree to which globally interdependent framework is integrated
  • Follow-up: ongoing individual and/or group coaching, observations, and support
FCL Workshop 2
FCL Workshop 3
FCLC Workshop

The FCLC Experience What they’re saying

  • “Chris did a wonderful job responding individually and thoughtfully to all our questions in the breakout session and he made sure that we all got answers. I really appreciated this.” 

  • “I had a few moments where I felt conflicted and upset by things that happened in the question and answer section, but Chris modeled a form of restorative justice in order to rebuild his relationship with me and I actually appreciated the conflict because it showed me (through action) how resolving conflicts with my own students could go.” 

  • “After twenty-three years in the classroom, it was great to have my mind blown.”

  • “I had an AMAZING time and learned so MUCH. Can’t wait to tell others about it.” 

  • “I am used to “clock watching” when I am in a teacher training. I continually found myself surprised it was already break time/ lunchtime / end of the day.”

  • “The institute is one of the rare experiences that feels like personal growth as much as it does professional development. We practiced our learning in ways that make me feel like I can actually change my teaching in the coming school year.”

The FCLC Experience

FCLC Workshop

What they’re saying

  • “Chris did a wonderful job responding individually and thoughtfully to all our questions in the breakout session and he made sure that we all got answers. I really appreciated this.” 

  • “I had a few moments where I felt conflicted and upset by things that happened in the question and answer section, but Chris modeled a form of restorative justice in order to rebuild his relationship with me and I actually appreciated the conflict because it showed me (through action) how resolving conflicts with my own students could go.” 

  • “I had an AMAZING time and learned so MUCH. Can’t wait to tell others about it.” 

  • “After twenty-three years in the classroom, it was great to have my mind blown.”

  • “I am used to “clock watching” when I am in a teacher training. I continually found myself surprised it was already break time/ lunchtime / end of the day.”

  • “The institute is one of the rare experiences that feels like personal growth as much as it does professional development. We practiced our learning in ways that make me feel like I can actually change my teaching in the coming school year.”