Planting Seeds of Citizenship
Fridays for Future
The entire staff of Beacon Hill International School (BHIS) participated in an all-day professional development workshop with Full Circle Leadership last August. As a result, they requested from FCLC curriculum and activities for a week of Teach-Ins on Climate Catastrophe. The entire staff and the student body walked out of school and around the school grounds with fantastic signs and chants they had created during the Teach-In week. (Photo of Max [my son] and me below as I don’t have photo release forms for the 400+ participating students.)
As parents and educators, let’s provide space for our children and youth to express and act on how they feel about climate catastrophe. FCLC will be investing energy and resources in collaborating with regional, national and global NGOs committed to plant one trillion trees to sequester carbon.
As parents and educators, let’s provide space for our children and youth to express and act on how they feel about climate catastrophe. FCLC will be investing energy and resources in collaborating with NGOs region, national and worldwide committed to plant one trillion trees to sequester carbon.