The Art of Parenting
It is inside our homes where we, as parents, lay the foundation for all that our children learn. It is not our fault that we are most ignorant about the most important profession that has been given to us. The traditional ideas about how to raise children have been around for over eight thousand years. We have an unrecognized prejudice against our young. With all the labeling and medicating of our children becoming so common, it’s difficult to imagine peaceful homes—homes without fighting, nagging, and criticism.
We can win our children’s cooperation. We can get out of power struggles. We can avoid giving undue attention to our children when they are driving us nuts. All of these things are possible. Like with any other task in life, it requires learning new ideas and putting them into practice. It’s a difficult task, but one we’d all be grateful for learning if we gave it a chance. Despite our many differences, we are all making the same mistakes with our children.
Hopefully next year, we will continue our in-person parenting sessions Monday Nights at Beacon Hill International School where we all learn from each other. In the meantime, join our Virtual Parent Community Class: Parenting In the Time of Relentless Parenting (Covid-19)